The Land Is Full

Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

€ 54,95

Momenteel niet leverbaar, publicatie in voorbereiding. Geschatte publicatiedatum 19-09-2024.

A celebration of parks and public gardens by renowned landscape architecture firm Nelson Byrd Woltz, whose designs reflect the histories that are held in the land

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A celebration of parks and public gardens by renowned landscape architecture firm Nelson Byrd Woltz, whose designs reflect the histories that are held in the land
ISBN 9781580936606
Uitgever The Monacelli Press
Jaar 2024
Pagina's 240
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Hardback
Druk 1


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The Land Is Full

The Land Is Full

A celebration of parks and public gardens by renowned landscape architecture firm Nelson Byrd Woltz, whose designs reflect the histories that are held in the land

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